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Raw Russian beetroot vegetable soup "Borsch"

Rub the carrots and beetroot on a coarse grater, cut the celery into pieces, add about half of the mixer, 1 peeled orange, juice of 2 apples, a little lemon juice (if the orange appears too sweet), 1-2 cloves of garlic, salt, black pepper, you can use a little hot cayenne pepper, 1-2 tablespoons freshly made LiveOil.

Smash to a smoothie condition. Add pure water until the desired consistency is achieved. Cut cabbage into thin strips, greens and

Finely chop the spring onions. Pour "broth" into a beautiful bowl, lay out the second half of the grated carrots, beetroot and celery, add the remaining ingredients and stir. Serve with classic or vegan mayonnaise.


Beetroot - 1 piece

Carrots - 1 piece

Stang celery - 1-2 sticks

Orange - 1 piece

Apple - 2 pieces

Cabbage - 200-300 grams

All greens - 1 bunch

Spring onions - 1 handful

Lemon juice - 1 tbsp a spoon

Garlic - 2 cloves

Fresh pumpkin oil - 1-2 tablespoons

Pure water - 300-400 ml


black pepper,

hot pepper - to taste

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