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Fasting with Pleasure. Introduction & General Rules.

For myself,a long time ago I have decided that if G-d let me get sick with something serious, then I will simply go to fast in a mink, where there is good quality clean water and a lot of sun, the ability to steam in a bath, take a bath and be as close to nature as possible ... and I will fast until complete recovery. I am convinced that only fasting, physical, and mental cleansing, including the hygiene of thought-creation, and then the obligatory maintenance of oneself in this wonderful state, can solve all the health and life problems that we create for ourselves every second.

I'm a raw foodist, why still fasting? This is exactly what I thought for all 8 years of raw food, and for a long time I could not get myself together to start fasting again. And, to be honest, there was no reason, desire or need. My last and longest fast with only water according to Paul Breg was only 9 days (my husband and daughter no longer gave) and as many as 10 years ago. Again, there was no desire to force myself to fast on water. Only sometimes 36 hours, if you wanted and went for pleasure. Diseases on a raw food diet do not cling, there is little pleasure from fasting on water. And I also really like, especially in the morning, warm drinks, tea or all kinds of herbal preparations with honey.

For some time now, I think that in life one must try to relate to what is happening as harmoniously as possible and accept it calmly, or better with pleasure. And then we produce only good things in our next future. And fasting with water is, frankly, not the most fun and easy procedure. But then the thought of celebrating the 50th anniversary came over me and I wanted to approach it somehow in a special way.

Fasting is the perfect way to completely reboot, consider and rethink the Space inside and out. No wonder our great righteous ancestors fasted for 40 days before important events or to make an important decision. As it always happens, the beast runs to the catcher, and everything adds up, if you need to, into a perfectly worked out puzzle. I accidentally found out that our music teacher is fasting, while drinking decoctions of herbs with honey and on the 18th day of hunger feels luxurious, easily teaches and even passes exams. One advanced Italian told me about the same method of fasting. He with his whole family is fasting at herbal gathering 2 times a year for 21 days.

Climbed to read. The topic of conditional fasting according to Marve Ohanyan with infusion or decoction of herbs with honey and lemon warmed me. The beautiful Marva has developed a whole system, books have been written, and many followers. Here is a link to her site, who are interested in details from the source

But I, having carefully studied its system and already knowing the system of fasting on water by Paul Breg, decided to choose something in between, my own. That is, adhering to the Paul Breg system as a whole, I will take something from Marva Ohanyan's system, I will listen to myself and act in accordance with my inner feeling.

My main idea is to carry out the entire fasting procedure with pleasure and without tangible stress. So that, firstly, it would be easier for the next time to get ready for fast, if you want or need to, and secondly, and this is the main thing - to give an opportunity by your example to those who are already morally ready for fast but not yet physically ready , prepare yourself for this procedure and go as comfortably as possible.

The procedure for preparing for fasting, both for Breg and Marwa, is about the same. But first, we must formulate the goal-motivation - why are we doing this and what we want to get at the end. Then we try to accept the idea of ​fast as pleasant, which warms and pleases. As soon as this worked out, we begin to plan the date and look for a suitable time for fasting in life. It's even better if you can decide and accept for yourself the fact that fasting will not interfere with the usual course of our life. A week before fasting, eliminate alcohol, go vegan, and eat as much fresh fruit and vegetables as possible. On the last day before fasting, we eat, if possible, a little less. In the evening we make tea from senna - pour 2 bags of herbs with 1 glass of boiling water, cover with a lid, leave for 15-20 minutes and drink before going to bed with honey and lemon, which is quite tasty and pleasant.

Today, on the last day before FASTING WITH PLEASURE, I think it will be better for me:

- Do not give daily enemas. It always seemed to me that such a cleansing procedure was too harsh an intervention in the body. It seems to me that switching to a plant-based diet in the last week and taking senna infusion in the evening before fasting are sufficient for a physical cleansing of the gastrointestinal tract. It is necessary to monitor the progress of fasting. If nausea and headache begin - clear signs of poisoning with the products of internal decay of all kinds of poisons that are stuffed with our body, then the enema will become salvation and facilitate the release of toxic substances. As an additional measure to relieve signs of toxic poisoning, I would use oil therapy.

- Make a collection of herbs based on Marva Ohanyan, but add those herbs that I need at the moment: comfrey and saber. These herbs are responsible for the health of our joints and bones, and I would like to strengthen them.

- Drink a decoction of herbs as much as you want, add honey and lemon only when you want. Sometimes, and maybe always, instead of lemon, use Kombucha Essig by Live Swiss, depending on the situation, intuitively, which goes better. Use honey and lemon with tea only when you feel you need it. Marva honey requires about 6 kg for a course of 40 days, which is as much as 150 grams per day. It seemed too much to me. I decided for myself to start with 50-70 grams, and then we'll see.

- Drink, including just clean water, warm or hot, when you want and how much you want, about half of the amount of decoction of herbs. You can add a drop of natural organic peppermint distillate to it if you suddenly feel uncomfortable in your mouth and it seems that you smell bad.

Leave the total amount of liquid per day about 2.5-3 liters, but do not force yourself. If it seems too much, then do not drink.

- Do not use other juices during fasting, but only from the moment of release. That is, instead of food, we will have a decoction of herbs, some honey and some fresh lemon or raw Kombucha Essig.

- Try to do oil therapy every day 2-3 times a day - oil sucking. If it goes well, then do it every day in the morning after sleep and in the evening before bed for additional cleansing of the body.

- Try fresh aloe vera gel diluted with honey and water as you fast. But listen carefully to yourself, without fanaticism. Aloe Vera is a very powerful remedy and should be treated with respect.

- Do joint exercises every day according to Norbekov. In theory, it should help the movement of fissionable poisons "out".

- Try to go to the sauna as often as possible. Luckily I have a sauna in the house.

- Take a daily hot bath with Dead Sea salt and fresh oils with Cosmetic Oil by Live Swiss

For myself,a long time ago I have decided that if G-d let me get sick with something serious, then I will simply go to fast in a mink, where there is good quality clean water and a lot of sun, the ability to steam in a bath, take a bath and be as close to nature as possible ... and I will fast until complete recovery. I am convinced that only fasting, physical, and mental cleansing, including the hygiene of thought-creation, and then the obligatory maintenance of oneself in this wonderful state, can solve all the health and life problems that we create for ourselves every second.

I'm a raw foodist, why still fasting? This is exactly what I thought for all 8 years of raw food, and for a long time I could not get myself together to start fasting again. And, to be honest, there was no reason, desire or need. My last and longest fast with only water according to Paul Breg was only 9 days (my husband and daughter no longer gave) and as many as 10 years ago. Again, there was no desire to force myself to fast on water. Only sometimes 36 hours, if you wanted and went for pleasure. Diseases on a raw food diet do not cling, there is little pleasure from fasting on water. And I also really like, especially in the morning, warm drinks, tea or all kinds of herbal preparations with honey.

For some time now, I think that in life one must try to relate to what is happening as harmoniously as possible and accept it calmly, or better with pleasure. And then we produce only good things in our next future. And fasting with water is, frankly, not the most fun and easy procedure. But then the thought of celebrating the 50th anniversary came over me and I wanted to approach it somehow in a special way.

Fasting is the perfect way to completely reboot, consider and rethink the Space inside and out. No wonder our great righteous ancestors fasted for 40 days before important events or to make an important decision. As it always happens, the beast runs to the catcher, and everything adds up, if you need to, into a perfectly worked out puzzle. I accidentally found out that our music teacher is fasting, while drinking decoctions of herbs with honey and on the 18th day of hunger feels luxurious, easily teaches and even passes exams. One advanced Italian told me about the same method of fasting. He with his whole family is fasting at herbal gathering 2 times a year for 21 days.

Climbed to read. The topic of conditional fasting according to Marve Ohanyan with infusion or decoction of herbs with honey and lemon warmed me. The beautiful Marva has developed a whole system, books have been written, and many followers. Here is a link to her site, who are interested in details from the source

But I, having carefully studied its system and already knowing the system of fasting on water by Paul Breg, decided to choose something in between, my own. That is, adhering to the Paul Breg system as a whole, I will take something from Marva Ohanyan's system, I will listen to myself and act in accordance with my inner feeling.

My main idea is to carry out the entire fasting procedure with pleasure and without tangible stress. So that, firstly, it would be easier for the next time to get ready for fast, if you want or need to, and secondly, and this is the main thing - to give an opportunity by your example to those who are already morally ready for fast but not yet physically ready , prepare yourself for this procedure and go as comfortably as possible.

The procedure for preparing for fasting, both for Breg and Marwa, is about the same. But first, we must formulate the goal-motivation - why are we doing this and what we want to get at the end. Then we try to accept the idea of ​fast as pleasant, which warms and pleases. As soon as this worked out, we begin to plan the date and look for a suitable time for fasting in life. It's even better if you can decide and accept for yourself the fact that fasting will not interfere with the usual course of our life. A week before fasting, eliminate alcohol, go vegan, and eat as much fresh fruit and vegetables as possible. On the last day before fasting, we eat, if possible, a little less. In the evening we make tea from senna - pour 2 bags of herbs with 1 glass of boiling water, cover with a lid, leave for 15-20 minutes and drink before going to bed with honey and lemon, which is quite tasty and pleasant.

Today, on the last day before FASTING WITH PLEASURE, I think it will be better for me:

- Do not give daily enemas. It always seemed to me that such a cleansing procedure was too harsh an intervention in the body. It seems to me that switching to a plant-based diet in the last week and taking senna infusion in the evening before fasting are sufficient for a physical cleansing of the gastrointestinal tract. It is necessary to monitor the progress of fasting. If nausea and headache begin - clear signs of poisoning with the products of internal decay of all kinds of poisons that are stuffed with our body, then the enema will become salvation and facilitate the release of toxic substances. As an additional measure to relieve signs of toxic poisoning, I would use oil therapy.

- Make a collection of herbs based on Marva Ohanyan, but add those herbs that I need at the moment: comfrey and saber. These herbs are responsible for the health of our joints and bones, and I would like to strengthen them.

- Drink a decoction of herbs as much as you want, add honey and lemon only when you want. Sometimes, and maybe always, instead of lemon, use Kombucha Essig by Live Swiss, depending on the situation, intuitively, which goes better. Use honey and lemon with tea only when you feel you need it. Marva honey requires about 6 kg for a course of 40 days, which is as much as 150 grams per day. It seemed too much to me. I decided for myself to start with 50-70 grams, and then we'll see.

- Drink, including just clean water, warm or hot, when you want and how much you want, about half of the amount of decoction of herbs. You can add a drop of natural organic peppermint distillate to it if you suddenly feel uncomfortable in your mouth and it seems that you smell bad.

Leave the total amount of liquid per day about 2.5-3 liters, but do not force yourself. If it seems too much, then do not drink.

- Do not use other juices during fasting, but only from the moment of release. That is, instead of food, we will have a decoction of herbs, some honey and some fresh lemon or raw Kombucha Essig.

- Try to do oil therapy every day 2-3 times a day - oil sucking. If it goes well, then do it every day in the morning after sleep and in the evening before bed for additional cleansing of the body.

- Try fresh aloe vera gel diluted with honey and water as you fast. But listen carefully to yourself, without fanaticism. Aloe Vera is a very powerful remedy and should be treated with respect.

- Do joint exercises every day according to Norbekov. In theory, it should help the movement of fissionable poisons "out".

- Try to go to the sauna as often as possible. Luckily I have a sauna in the house.

- Take a daily hot bath with Dead Sea salt and fresh oils with Cosmetic Oil by Live Swiss


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